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Are bengal cats good indoor pets in New York?

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Are bengal cats good indoor pets? Bengal cats are a great cat breed and make good pets whether you are keeping them indoors or letting them roam outside as well.

Since bengal cats have a curious nature and high energy personalities, you should let them go outside on occasion so that they can burn off extra steam and explore.

If this is not possible due to you living in a city or by main roads, then keeping them inside is OK.

Bengal cats can make for good indoor pets and are a great choice as long as you have the time to play with them and give them the attention they need.

If your bengal is not given enough attention, it may become stressed. So if you are keeping it inside, make sure to play with it often.

It is also a good idea to have other cats in the house so they have more animals to interact with.

If they are cooped up in the same area for too long, they can develop behavioral problems. So giving them their own space, keeping them entertained, and having toys or other cats for them to interact with is important.

How much space do bengal cats need?

While bengal cats do not need large amounts of space, that they do need to have their own private space they can go to when in need of peace and rest.

When bengals are not allowed their own space in the house, they might express their discomfort by spraying or by vying for your attention in other ways.

As long as your bengal has it’s own bed, own room, or nook of the house it can go to when it needs to be secluded then it will most likely be fine with staying indoors.

Generally, the more space the better. So if you can let your bengal cat outside then that will have a positive effect on their health and mental state.

Can I let my bengal cat outside ?

Overall, indoor bengal cats live longer than outdoor bengal cats due to environmental factors that can hurt bengals if they are free to explore outside.

To avoid this problem, you can take your bengal cat for walks with a leash.

If you want to let your bengal cat outside without keeping it on a leash. You should be aware of where you live and what the dangers might be when letting your bengal outdoors.

But if your home is by main roads then that poses a risk to the bengal. You should be more careful with how often it goes out and where it is when outside.

If there are coyotes, foxes, or other larger animals that may attack your bengal then you should also be mindful of where your bengal is.

When you let your bengal cat roam outside, there is always a risk that it will be injured. So you should keep that in mind when deciding whether or not to let your cat outside.

If you do let your bengal outside, try to keep it in during night since that it when there is the highest risk of it being preyed on or being hit by a car.

Can bengal cats find their way home?

Bengal cats almost always are able to find their way back home.

If your bengal has experience with being outside on it’s own then it most likely will be able to find a way back to your home.

Bengal cats are territorial and have a good sense of direction. So unless someone else has picked it up or it is injured, it should be able to find it’s way back.

If you think that your bengal might be lost then you should call for it frequently and make noises that it associates with you such as shaking a bag of treats or clicking your tongue if that is how you usually call it.

If you bengal has been missing for days, then you should set up signs around your area and check with your neighbors to see if your bengal turned up at one of their houses.

You can also call rescue centers and local vets as well.

If your bengal has a microchip then there is a high likelihood that your cat will be found and returned to you.