Care Guidelines
Thank you for purchasing a Reginamur Bengal ! The following are important guidelines on how to take care of your Reginamur Bengal.
A kitten may cry for the first 48 hours or hide under the bed or other small, dark spaces. If your Bengal was shipped, please show kitty extra love and attention, hold the baby in closed comfort.
You must understand that this is an 10 weeks old kitten, this is a very small kitten and he will require special attention and care in the next 2 months. What it is – you have to watch how he eats, drinks and goes to the toilet. If there is any abnormal behavior then you must tell us or the vet. Diarrhea for more than 3 days is dangerous for a kitten. During the first month you should follow our feeding recommendations. our types of feed that we will recommend.
Clean water is a must every day. Dry food is in a separate plate every day. We feed the kittens raw food now. When you pick up your kitten we will give you a bag (7 pounds) of raw food that the kitten is used to. The food will be frozen. You will need to divide it into small 0.5-1lb bags and place in the freezer. Take it out and defrost as needed. The kitten should have raw food on the plate plus one tablespoon of canned food.
If you want to change the diet, transfer the kitten to a different food – you must do this very gradually. Add one teaspoon every day until the kitten gets used to it. Bengals are very accustomed to one food and do not accept a quick change in the type of food. And later there may be problems with the gastrointestinal system and diarrhea. That is why we simply pay special attention to the first two months of a kitten’s life in his new home. Subject to our recommendations, the kitten will give you warmth, love and affection for many years. we love our pets very much and ask the same from their new dads and moms.
And a very important point, do not use blue crystals in the litter box, kittens in a young age eat them (they taste everything) and get severe intoxication. use wheat filler (which we offer) for the first two months
It’s a good idea to keep a Bengal as an indoor-only cat to protect him from diseases spread by other cats, attacks by dogs or coyotes, and the other dangers that face cats who go outdoors, such as being hit by a car. Keeping him indoors also protects local birds and wildlife from this avid hunter. If possible, build your Bengal a large outdoor enclosure where he can jump and climb safely. Bengals who go outdoors also run the risk of being stolen by someone who would like to have such a beautiful cat without paying for it
Children And Other Pets
The active and social Bengal is a perfect choice for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. He will play fetch as well as any retriever, learns tricks easily and loves the attention he receives from children who treat him politely and with respect. He’s smart enough to get out of the way of toddlers. If you are taking a small kitten for toddler ,then it advisable to watch to them play, as the baby can scare the kitten, pull the tail or bring his face very close to the playing kitten. In any situation the kitten can scratch the baby. Bengal cat loves school-age children because they are a match for his energy level and curiosity. Nothing scares him, certainly not dogs, and he will happily make friends with them if they don’t give him any trouble. Always introduce any pets, even other cats, slowly and in a controlled setting.
Like many active cats, bengals have a high prey drive and should not be trusted with smaller prey animals such as: hamsters, smaller rabbits and guinea pigs.
Bengal kitten or cat adaptation to a new home
Usually, the Bengal kitten or cat adaptation to a new home goes without any problems. The Bengal cat quickly adapts to the changes and soon a new place feels like home for it. However, there are some questions regarding the newfound family member. We will now discuss this matter in order to facilitate a better mutual understanding between the two sides. Remember, however, that every kitten is an individual and you have to be attentive to its personal characteristics and needs.
Sometimes a kitten comes to you by plane. It can frighten the baby greatly – all these smells and noise of the reactive engines. It will probably miss its mom and games comrades. Be patient, pet it and try to calm it down right after its arrival. Take it in your hands and comfort it – it will be very grateful to you for saving it from the plane.
Isolate the Bengal kitten from overactive children and other animals at home for some time. Let it feel comfortable in the new environment. We recommend keeping the kitten in a small area at first with food and its own toilet nearby. This gives it the opportunity to get acquainted with the new situation, eat and calmly use the cat litter tray.
It’s especially important if you already have other pets: at first, they may resist the “stranger” using their litter tray and eating from their bowl. Besides, if you let the baby run freely around the house right after you brought it home, it may simply not find a way to its litter tray. Keep it close to its house, take it “on a tour” around the house until it learns the local topography. Your new Bengal kitten can play with other cats by putting its paws under the door: it’s a great way to gradually introduce it to them.
Another way to accustom the newcomer to your pets is to put it back into the cat carrier and place it within their reach. Let them sniff each other and get acquainted. Of course, there will be some hissing and spit, usually from the older cat into whose territory the “stranger” intruded, but this is unlikely to last longer than a few days. The Bengal cat is not easily intimidated, as a rule, it adapts very quickly.
Don’t let small children chase kittens with loud cries. Explain to them how to communicate with it right. Usually, Bengal cats perfectly communicate with children and willingly play with them.
Litterboxes. Do not place the litter box in the laundry room or another floor of the house – the kitten will not find it! The more litter boxes the better! At least for the first month while the kitten is adjusting to its new home. Our kittens are litter trained when they leave us, but we have found that in some very rare cases, some kittens find it harder to adjust to their new home, become confused and have accidents when they arrive at their new home. Please be patient with your kitten.
Do not use an automated litter box for your Bengal until they are at least 6 months old.
Keep the litter box spotlessly clean. Cats are very particular about bathroom hygiene, and a dirty box may cause them to start using other places in the house instead.
FOOD. We are currently feeding our kittens with ROYAL CANIN KITTEN.
If you planning to use another brand, you will need to slowly mix it in the new brand dry food. We occasionally feed them with boiled or raw chicken breasts. You can give your kitten a can once a day (half a can in the morning and half at night). When kitten becomes older, you can increase the food amount(one can in the morning and one can at night).
Dry food should be alway available for the kitten (just make sure that the bowl is always full with dry food).The Bengal cats eat the same food as other cats do. But the high-quality dry food made of meat is the best for it. A diet based on dry food will help keep the kitten’s teeth clean. Don’t give the kitten pieces of food from your table and don’t give milk, no matter how much it’s asking for it. This can disorder its digestion or make it picky about its own cat food.
The kitten can eat the special food for kittens for up to a year unless it starts gaining weight noticeably. If there is excess weight, start feeding it adult cat food.
Cheap cat food contains a large number of food fillers, so the kitten needs to eat a large portion in order not to remain hungry. This is fraught with clogging of the intestines. If you give your cat a high-quality food, it will have a formed stool and you will have fewer problems with waste.
Some breeders add a small amount of lean beef to the Bengal kitten diet. Indeed, lean red meat, including beef heart, is usually well digested and very beloved by the Bengal cats.
Be careful when giving it raw meat. Don’t store meat at room temperature for too long and if the cat has not touched it for 40-50 minutes, take the meat away. Never give the Bengal cat the pork.

SUPPLEMENT. Our kittens very like raw food .While the kitten is adjusting to its new home, we recommend supplementing its diet with L-lysine, that helps boost their immune system and make them less susceptible to infection. We give our kittens NUVET PLUS, which we get from We give this to them before they leave our cattery, to help protect him/her from infections while they adjust to their new environment. We, also add other vitamins to raw food that help kittens grow strong and healthy.

Return policy:
If Kitten needs to be returned for any reasons, other than kitten health-related problem (including, but not limited to pet conflict, human allergies) will be refunded with 50% of the purchase price, while kitten being not older than 6 months old. After 6 months old 25% will be refunded. May not be returned if our bengal Kitten has been exposed to another cat or other animal. As well as if the Kitten was allowed outside or was not housed in a clean and safe environment.
We as a Seller, warrant that Kitten was fully litter box trained. However, the new surrounding may confuse the Kitten and may result in improper elimination. Purchaser need to ensure that Kitten knows where its new litter box is located, and Seller recommends that Purchaser use the same type of litter box and litter as it was used at Seller premises, to avoid confusing the Kitten. Please, DO NOT abandon our cats, incase you are not capable of taking care of the cat, don’t like the cat ,or whatever reason there is, please give it back to us . We will find a good home for them, we promise no judgment from our side